
faith comes by hearing

Sermons by Series: What Did Jesus REALLY Say?

March 18, 2018

The Great Separation

One day soon, true believers will be separated from false believers, the sheep will be...

March 11, 2018

Don't Waste Your Life

Your life is not your own. God has given you gifts, talents, and abilities. So what...

March 04, 2018

Are You Ready? (9 AM)

Jesus told the parable of ten virgins. Five were wise and five were foolish. Who will...

March 04, 2018

Are You Ready? (11 AM)

Jesus told the parable of ten virgins. Five were wise and five were foolish. Who will...

February 25, 2018

Ready Or Not

Ready or not, Jesus is coming! Ready or not, Jesus is coming back sooner than you...

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